Sunday 24 November 2013

Georgian Century 18th

This time period was a lot of fun to look into because the dresses become so extreme. This to me at points is fashion gone mad. With crazy wide dresses and mad hair styles.This is the time period I accost with France because of its white make up, rouge lips and fake beauty spot and wings for men.

It is a wonderful Youtube video showing all the layers of the dresses and how they went together:-

Embroidered and woven fabrics were used mostly around this time.Fabrics were becoming much decorative a complex. This allowed for clothes to be made more interesting to look at. Trimmings were very popular for decoration and became more over the top as this period went on. Common trims were embroidered braid, lace frills, fine pleated edges, wide pleats, wide panniers, and frilled hems.

Bodices started to have very square low necklines again to show off the bust. The bottom of the bodices were often slightly dipped or cut off. Sleeves were close fitted and reached to the elbow and had deep turned up cuffs with gathered lace or fabric under the cuff. Ribbon and bow trims often decorated the edges of the sleeves. Women started to wear masculine military jackets with fitted waist coats. The over dress often had a pleated sack back which created a train.
Skirts were very gathered and often sat out on hip pads. They were decorated with ruched and pleated silk. They often had at least 3 layers to a skirt. Embroidered and decorated aprons were back in fashion again and were worn over a plain skirt.

Accessories of the time consisted of powered wigs and hair extensions made into ring lets which was made popular because of the French King Louis XIII. Cloaks with full and gathered hoods tied at the bottom of the neck. Small linen caps with frills,  three corned hat with feather trim often worn for hunting. Embroidered yokes on dresses, taffeta bows, straw hats worn over a linen bonnet, artificial flowers on clothes hats alike, shoulder scarf's often tied or held on with a brooch and folding fans.See about the art of the fan here:-

Big Changes:-
Not really big changes but key elements of the style became more extenuated and over the top. Skirts tarted to have cages under them and became different shapes (the bigger and wider the better). Ruched details on skirts became very popular to add extra volume. massive feathers and flowers started to be used on hair and in their hats (the more exotic the better), wigs became very high and extreme with padding and ringlets falling loose.  Hats ranged from being very small with tall crowns straw hats decorated to massive over the top hats with tiny crowns and wide brims. Long gloves often in leather started to be worn again and ribbon tied at the neck became very popular.

Movies and TV shows:- The Duchess 2008, Perfume The Story of a Murderer 2006, Pirates of the Caribbean 2003-2007, Plunkett & Macleane 1999, Sleepy Hollow 1999, Marie Antoinette 2006, Doctor Who:- Girl in the Fireplace 2006, Amazing Grace 2006, Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles 1994, Jefferson in Paris 1995.

17th & 18th Century Fashion Detail (Fashion in Detail) Hart A North S.
Fashion History: A History from the 18th to the 20th Century by Akiki Fukai 
Patterns of Fashion: 1660-1860: Vol 1 by Janet Arnold
Key History Events:- French Revolution. Bonnie Prince Charlie's attends to take over as Monarch. 

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