Tuesday 28 January 2014

Try, Try and Try Again

Here is the failed attempts of the jesminit. They just didn't cure in the molds however they did come out quite well so at least the molds work well.
Me and Martin re-thought how this was done. It will be done with resin and filler. The only problem is it can't be injected so I'm trying to pour it and if it works I'll have to do them in two halfs and join them before they cure. Wish me luck.

Friday 24 January 2014

Fixing the mold

All of the molds turned out fine which was very helpful. They just need to be cleaned up and checked for an imperfections like were cracks had formed in the clay. After they were removed I washed them and left them to dry.

I realsied now I should have considered putting air vents and/or making holes in the silicorn while doing the casting process. This would have made putting the resin in alot easier and avoiding large air bubbles.

I checked to see if the straws would melt in the resin but they didn't. I'm going to used them to keep the holes open while I inject the resin.

I will not  be casting in resin anymore as there is no pigments to change the colour and if I do it the way its meant to be done it will turn out too dark. I will be using jeminite to make up the doll. Its cheaper and takes longer to cure. I am doing tests to see what type of grade to use; either the 300 or the 400 and if i need to put in fibres to help the pieces stay together.

I looked up different ways to cast the doll and different ways to minimise bubbles such as tapping the bottom or using a gravity or vaccum machine to get rid of bubbles. in the process.

New head

Thursday 16 January 2014

I got the go ahead

I got the go ahead to use silicone to make the resin molds. Wish me luck.

First head attempt. I took a picture so that I could see were I went wrong. I also looked at how other people scuplt heads:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH5Eri5pGW0
The jaw needs to be taken up, the eyes brought in and more of an eye lid put over the eyes so they don't look as bug eyed. I think I need to bring out the cheeks and forehead more and change the lips.

Note mix silicon more before use and measure out how much is needed before putting it into the molds using maths equations. This will also mean there is one batch which is consistent.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

BJD problems

I've discovered that by using the bead with the clay on top has made the clay start to weaken and crack. If I was to do this again I would make it as one whole piece to minimise the cracks. I have no choice know but to cast her in resin if i wish to keep her. This causes problems with wigs which I may have to put on with magnets after and also if its ok for me to use the silicorn from the props store.  i will ask about it today. Otherwise I will have to stop this project.

However  I am enjoying the time away from costume to just try other things even if it's frustrating. However I wish we had more to do for the production. I think I was to pick a minor again I would look at what shows were on during the time I was in props.

Friday 10 January 2014

Lots of Sanding and Concept

I started to sand the body, cleaned it and tested if they fitted together.
 Concept for costume, make up, wig and wings.

Fast Progress

This is the final design with details of the carvings I will put onto the doll.
This was how I managed to keep the bust section hollow. It needed supporting after being cooked.

 Complete body before sanding.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Props Minor BJD Project

I decided as my personal project for props that I would attempt to make a ball joined doll from scratch. I sat and made up a design using a reference sheet I'd make up of fairy type dolls. The doll will have carvings in the body and be single jointed. I've never tried anything like this before but I hope to learn lots of new skills and become better at sculpting. I think this may help me when I start to do more in the way of prosthetics which I want to try more of.

These are my best references:-

Here's the guide I'm using with list of materials:-

Basic design:-
First stage pictures:-
I started with the hands and feet :-