Thursday 27 February 2014

Legally Blonde Quick Change Dress

I never thought about using magnets for quick changes. Very clever idea. Make pockets in the interfacing and then put the magnets into the pockets before sewing them up but note don't take the magnets right to the bottom and it can make the garment heavy.


  1. What kind of magnets do you use? Neodymium? I'm trying to work out a quick change for Drowsy Chaperone.

  2. Thank you so much for the information you sent me!I was able to create a successful quick change on stage.

  3. Fame at last! Just did a search to find magnets to buy and the first thing that came up was the costume prototype I made for Legally Blonde!Never been the first thing on a google search before - how exciting (although you should really credit when using images of work you didn't do Sophie)

  4. I'm making a similar outfit for the Wizard of Oz, whatbsortmof magnets would you recommend?

