Tuesday 9 December 2014

Fitting Number 2 with Victim One Week 5

I managed to complete Daniel's costume well in time to take up Lorne' costume again. Daniel's costume is good to go as soon as he comes in for a fitting so I'm not worried about completing that as at least he has a costume to wear for the show. His costume is more straight forward than Lorne's which is better since I have a shorter fitting time with him. I feel less stressed now that I did last week. I feel that Gillian this year is applying more pressure which is to be expected but I don't know if it is making me work better or not. At the minute I find it more just makes me panic and not enjoy making the costume. I'm just churning it out.

SO the second fitting when off without a hitch. No major problems only adjusting side seams and front seams so that he could breath better (Heaven forbid he should breath). The back darts for the trousers needed adjusting as well but no big problems. For the rest of the week I started strengthening the seams with a smaller stitch and adding in the piping and netting. I should complete the jacket at the end of this week and even the trousers if I can. Daniel is coming in on the 3rd November for a fitting so I need to complete Lorne's costume completely by then.

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